780(49) | 757 | 11.03.2025 | ver. *.780(49)
needs Database *.4.757
ReleaseDate: 2025-03-11
Import from Excel
[B] - solved Channel name by using Trim(string)
[C] - how to access support API
780(48) | 757 | 06.03.2025 | ver. *.780(48)
needs Database *.4.757
ReleaseDate: 2025-03-06
Ctrl+Click to view
Import from Excel
[N] - added settings option to define cell that holds Channel name and use it to attentions you if Channel si different than current Channel
Ctrl+Click to view
[N] - added option to enlarge Timeslot if no breaks has been fond and choose the nearest break
Ctrl+Click to view
[C] - improved functionality in handeling Timeslots
[C] - add option to 'Modify Timeslot' in before move to Preview page
Ctrl+Click to view
780(47) | 756 | 04.03.2025 | ver. *.780(47)
needs Database *.4.756
ReleaseDate: 2025-03-04
Long term import
[C] - improved Template 15
Export Schedule
[C] - improved Template 7
Spot file transfer
[C] - improved functionality ( upload to ftp/shared folder )
Import from Excel
[C] - changed calculation for final EndTime: instead o extract for file and adjust time if necessary it is now calculated as calculated StartTime + Duration (Duration = InitialEndTime - InitilaStartTime)
[C] - colors for info from excel columns in preview
Import from Future
[N] - added "Short notes" column from Contact's Header
780(46) | 756 | 03.03.2025 | ver. *.780(46)
needs Database *.4.756
ReleaseDate: 2025-03-03
Long term import
[C] - improved Template 15
780(45) | 755 | 12.02.2025 | ver. *.780(45)
needs Database *.4.755
ReleaseDate: 2025-02-12
Long term import
[N] - new Tempate22
Export Schedule
[N] - export schedule template 7
Memo deal 2025
[N] - added signatures based on budget
[C] - adjusted Guarantee calculation with Internet budget
780(44) | 754 | 31.01.2025 | ver. *.780(44)
needs Database *.4.754
ReleaseDate: 2025-01-31
Memo deal 2025
[C] - CPP EPT percent is now editable for Delivery Guarantees
Delivery Guarantees
[C] - CPP EPT percent is now editable for Delivery Guarantees
Monthly Contracts
[B] - solved bug in Coeefficients edit when spot was not broadcasted
780(43) | 753 | 30.01.2025 | ver. *.780(43)
needs Database *.4.753
ReleaseDate: 2025-01-30
Schedule day - Verify Day
[B] - solved bugs in NoMoreTapes for spots without tapes
780(42) | 753 | 26.01.2025 | ver. *.780(42)
needs Database *.4.753
ReleaseDate: 2025-01-26
Ctrl+Click to view
Create/Update Monthly Contracts use Import from Excel
Ctrl+Click to view
Schedule day
[B] - when add SOC after break didn't read necessary settings
[C] - moved check defined spot types for First and Las single spots to actions menu
[N] - added feature to Quick add Jingles in breaks
Ctrl+Click to view
Monthly Contracts - Import from Future
[B] - solved problem with adding attached emails to contract
780(41) | 751 | 22.01.2025 | ver. *.780(41)
needs Database *.4.751
ReleaseDate: 2025-01-22
Schedule day
[N] - Print Breaks
Monthly Contracts - Import from Excel
[B] - remove message 'IsDateTime'
Interfaces - Eport Template 14 (Etere)
[N] - added option to Round Up Break Hour (HH:16:30:00 -> HH:17:00:00)
[N] - check for breaks with same hour
780(40) | 750 | 17.01.2025 | ver. *.780(40)
needs Database *.4.750
ReleaseDate: 2025-01-17
Ctrl+Click to view
Schedule day - Verify day
[N] - add option to hide Tabs for unselected options. This option is also in Settings > Schedule Day.
[N] - display date for Ended and Not Started spots
Global Contracts
[C] - 'Referance CPP' for calculate 'CPP' columns is obtain by locating the first day part with 100% instead of locating the day part containing 19:00